Friday, December 19, 2014

Find Difference between two Texts to see matching , added , deleted and changed data highlighted

A very common problem to all those people who write a lot specially in computer is to compare two text files and see the differences between those files . I also faced a lot of such scenarios where we need to find difference between 2 files which were written under 2 different versions and then it make us think, which one is the correct one ?  If this is correct one what is wrong in the other one?

Sometimes even a small space or semi colon or a special character change the meaning of whole text  and it makes you wonder for whole day . 

Well ! I came to know about this website  which helps :
  1.  Compare Texts
  2.  Compare Files
  3.  Compare Folders
In this Blog I am going to explain how you can compare very long pieces of text using this website in seconds and that too free .

  •  You will see a screen like the screenshot below  :

Home Page of Text Comparison Utility

  • As you can see there are 2 text boxes here named Original Text and Test Text (highlighted in orange in figure below ) 
Showing Original Text and Test Text  - Text Boxes
  • Write some data in Text Box named Original Text
  • Write data which you want to compare in the Text Box named Test Text . See as below :
Written 2 Texts to Compare in Text Boxes provided
  • Click Show Difference ! button ( blue colored just below text boxes ) and we will see output in few seconds :
Text Comparison Result
  • The Screen above shows differences between 2 texts which were entered for comparison .See the green colored line under test Text . This is the line which was added in second text and this is the difference which we wanted to find .
  • The Screen also shows legends where Green Means text added which means anything which was added to the new text written
  • If there is any change it will be colour coded to yellow , see screen shot below where there is a little change in 2 versions and it highlights it in yellow:

Showing changes in text

  • If there is something which is in the first text but not in the second text it is highlighted in red:

Showing Deleted Text

  • It also provides link s legends , Links are shown in the left column of line numbers . f stands for first change . if you click f it will take you to the first change in the text .
  • Link n stands for next change and helps you to go to next change in forward direction
  • Link t is to go to the top of the result 


Give it a try and i hope you will love this wonderfully awesome application site . In my next blog I will write more about the files and folders differences shown by the same application .